Sunday, December 30, 2012

Where I've been lately. . .

So, I haven't really taken the time to blog for about a year!  NOT GOOD.. I decided I will try to blog at least once a week.

I have been so busy.  My husband and I own an antique and vintage furniture workshop. We basically take old antique and vintage furniture and repair (if needed), paint, upholster, etc.  Its an awesome job.  I love the instant gratification of seeing your work.  We do not have a storefront  -YET.  We have a workshop where we transform all of our furniture.  I love being creative and mixing colors or glazes for a unique look. I have a blog which I have set up as our temporary website.  We are currently working on a website.

Our name is DeZignature401 (Design+furniture+401(our area code) tehehehehe... my husband thought of the name.  Its cool.  Hopefully, one day we will have multiple companies which can be the same name but with different area codes...     You can see our work by visiting our page at

I also started designing scarfs.  I buy pashmina style scarfs and I hand write scripture on them.  They look AMAZING!  I also make Jersey Necklace Scarfs.  You can check out

Anyway, look us up and show some love!!!!

Find us on Facebook too! and /Dz401.
