Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas design ideas

Winter wonderland chandelier. . .
simple and beautiful!

Great centerpiece filled with potpourri and 
a few colorful ornaments.

Gold Star Floating in Midair!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Kitchen Reno Part II

Okay, so its November 22nd and my kitchen is STILL under construction!  Arrrrgggggggghhhhh!!  We had the water lines moved, but we still need the electrical moved, the floors finished, cabinets painted and molding added.   This is really taking a bit longer than planned.  Not too happy about that  I'm glad I am able to use my stove and fridge!  Can you Thanksgiving?  Lordamercy!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Kitchen Reno

So I decided to spruce my kitchen up by painting my cabinets. I took all the doors down and removed all the hardware. My husband then tells me I can't paint them without sanding. So I agreed before I knew it we couldn't decide on a paint color or a stain. Instead we focused on our floors which were tiled and had major cracking. We took the old tile apart and a few days later installed a new floor. The next morning, just before we grouted the floors we were watching HGTV and were inspired to take the kitchen wall down to allow more kitchen space. Now we need to get an electrician and plumber involved before finishing the kitchen. Can't wait!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

That Day!

That day -is getting closer.  The day where we will become one.  Unity is fabulous, especially when shared with your family!!  I have had sleepless nights thinking about the outcome.  Man..I'm sooo ready.   Its such a blessing to be in love.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Sunday, July 31, 2011

I miss him

Today has been an exceptionally hard day.  I miss his smell.  I miss his voice.  I miss his laugh.  I miss his old stories.  I miss his serious stares that were followed by comical metaphors.  My God....I miss HIM. 

Thursday, July 21, 2011

I never understood

Why people push buttons to get a reaction then once the reaction is in place and its a lil too late to pull back, they act surprised like they never expected it.  Really?  

Saturday, July 9, 2011


My granddaughter is really taking her time about coming into this world.  Its been two days of anticipation...  the important thing is that both my daughter and my granddaughter are healthy during this process.  Keeping my fingers crossed for a speedy delivery in the A.M.!  God bless them both!!

Monday, July 4, 2011


Happy 4th!!!!  Today is my late fathers bday...I miss you!!!!! 

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Shopping. . .

OMG!  I haven't been shopping in made a quick stop at TJMaxx (and Marshalls...whispering).   Now I'm smiling again...hopefully I won't be crying in the morning! 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Trinity w/Security - MJ Show

                                                   Jazz, Trinity & Esh!

Michael Jackson & Security Team

Thanks to Jazz and Esh for standing by me as Trinity's Security Team for Michael Jackson!  We completely transformed into the best security team -I've ever seen. Once the black suits, black shoes and aviator glasses went on, we were in control!!    We escorted MJ onto a stage where Out of Control, a live band awaited his performance.  Each of Jazz, Esh and myself stood tall and proud with our game faces on -as our white ear-pieces dangled from our right ear- and the crowd screamed and cheered MJ on.  It was a great experience and a fun time.  

Thank you ladies!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


So, I will be head of security for the hottest Micheal Jackson impersonator, Mark Fisher this Saturday, May 21, 2011.  I am having 3 fly women join me.  I will be dressed like Trinity from the movie Matrix while my girls are wearing all black with security badges around their necks!  Its going to be the hottest appearance Michael Jackson has ever had!!  Can't wait!!